Learning your family background isn’t just about knowing who your great-grandmother was and how she met your great-grandfather. It’s not just a matter of learning their names and favourite meals.
Family History is a record of a person’s health details and their immediate relatives. Details from three generations of ancestors, including external members of the extended family, include a full record.
Families share many variables, including health, behavioral and habitual lifestyle disorders. This, therefore, suggests that family history is the origin of certain health problems that arise. Medical experts may detect health conditions that could be at risk for family members by identifying similarities and trends in family history.
Certain cancers, strokes and heart disease, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, eye disorders, arthritis, asthma, dementia, blood clots, diabetes, and menstrual complications are common diseases that occur in the family.
You can’t change your genes, but knowing your family history allows early detection of a disease that reduces risks and starts early treatment. Medical experts will advise regular check-ups and maintain a healthy lifestyle once you are aware of it.
The best way to get family medical history knowledge is to chat about their wellbeing with relatives. Did they have a medical condition, and when did it happen? Ensure to keep up-to-date with the family history.