One sure way to supply the body with nutrients is by eating right but during pregnancy, the body might lack the essentials it requires for the health and development of both the mother and her baby.
For a woman who is pregnant or trying to get pregnant, her body would need folic acid and iron. Supplements made for pregnant women that contain Folic acid and Iron are Prenatal vitamins.
Folic acid is a necessary vitamin for a pregnant woman It helps form the neural tube and prevent defects in the baby’s brain and spinal cord. Iron supports the development of the placenta and fetus, supplying blood to the body to provide oxygen to the fetus. Calcium is important during pregnancy because your baby needs strong bones and teeth.
The first weeks of pregnancy are a crucial time for the development of the baby. Start taking prenatal vitamins before conception and then all through the pregnancy. If you find you are pregnant at a later hour, start taking prenatal vitamins immediately.
Prenatal vitamins are available over the counter and your selection choice should be deliberate. Look for a prenatal vitamin that contains calcium and vitamin D. It also might be beneficial to look for a prenatal vitamin that contains vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E, B vitamins, zinc, iodine, riboflavin, thiamine, and niacin.
Alongside prenatal vitamins, ensure to take meals that are rich in folic acids such as dark-green vegetables, beans, peanuts, fresh fruits and juices, whole grains, liver, and seafood